Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Real Snail

I found a snail on my sidewalk and tried to get a video of him, but the camera is dark and I don't want to lose the snail in the process. Here he is hanging upside down in a glass container, out of his shell and hanging on with his chest and belly. The shell is to the right of the picture.

Air Conditioning or...

Misting an inexpensive air freshener like this makes the air seem cooler, this is fresh berries and is so cool to sniff. I do not like tropical breeze for this but fresh cotton and this are cooling.

About Me

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Originally worked at a Lake front resort as a registration assistant and a cashier. Several other jobs. College (28-54+ hours) majoring in Business, i.e. Economics and Psychology with an eye on Lab Tech. Mathematics award winner. time. Studying journalism. Learning left hand chords. Flute. Diet, training ellipitical, writing; Crochet!