Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Dream Meme

So I now see a 'Meme' a theme, a dream a friends fad that is artsy. A dream of me. It beat [ed] , me what the craze was or is.

Artsy and cultural ? even. I think I'll add to my dictionary.

 'activity, concept, catchphrase or piece of media which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet' from Wikipedia.

So, it also spreads via internet. Aha! 

I am so happy now to know what these are. When you cast your memes Be Creative. 

Be Creative in all Memes? 

 Good gif = Monster Meme  

 "Meme" comes from the Greek word "mimema" (meaning "something imitated", American Heritage Dictionary). Dawkins described memes as a being a form of cultural propogation, a way for people to transmit social memories and cultural ideas to each other. Not unlike the way that DNA and life will spread from location to location, a meme idea will also travel from mind to mind. from: http://netforbeginners.about.com/

Memorize, A meme, a dream, a theme that is hot for your mind. Includes poems, videos, especially joke-type, imitative sarcasm and especially those inclusive of a shock value, a favored celebrity quote or funnies.

Remember when sending and sharing memes to NOYT be boring.

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Originally worked at a Lake front resort as a registration assistant and a cashier. Several other jobs. College (28-54+ hours) majoring in Business, i.e. Economics and Psychology with an eye on Lab Tech. Mathematics award winner. time. Studying journalism. Learning left hand chords. Flute. Diet, training ellipitical, writing; Crochet!