Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Reposted From: My Diet Blog

Adults can consume 4700 milligrams of potassium or slightly less if using drugs to lower their blood pressure, unless you 

are told to eat even less than that due to additional conditions such as kidney disease. Forty-seven hundred milligrams is 

4.7 grams, move the decimal point over three times from the right to convert milligrams to grams. 4700. to 4. 7 0 0.^ is 

three spaces from the right. 5500 millligrams is  5500.^ 5. 5 0 0. = 5.5 grams milligrams/grams/kilos

 1000 milligrams (mg) EQUALS 1 gram (g) 1000 grams (g) EQUALS 1 kilogram (kg)about 2.2 pounds

An easy way to  know what foods are about five hundred milligrams is to measure 4 dense [the food is dense/drained] ounces or 8 fluid ounces and look for red and yellow meats and vegetable-fruit foods.

Kidney beans, beets, figs,  apricot, avocado, orange juice, mollusk, halibut, tuna, carrot juice, almonds, tomatoes and plain yogurt (8oz)(not red or yellow but filled with potassium) 500 mg. 

a normal portion around 4 oz. or-3 heaping Tablespoons, juices [and yogurt] are 8 ounce portions

If you stick to the 500mg portions you can have 9 servings a day approximately. Example of this is: Breakfast: 1 egg, or 1 oz cereal and 1 1/2 strips bacon-500mg, 4-6 oz juice-500mg, =1000mg

Lunch: 2 oz. lunch meat-300mg, 1 cup yogurt or 1 oz. cheese-750mg, 1 tomato-250 mg.=1300mg
Snack: Pudding or apple or ice cream bar [diet versions] -300 mg, or, smoothie-650mg=300-650mg

Dinner: 6 oz. meat poultry or fish-650 mg, 4 oz. heavy veget-500mg, 8 oz. A-vegets-500mg=1650mg
This is without breads, crackers, chips; this is a basic low carb dense nutrient menuof about 1100 cal.and 4.0 to 4.4 grams of potassium.
If you subtract the bacon -100, the snack -200 you have 800 calories super fast diet. If you diet remove two ounces of dinner meat and add one and one-half tablespoons of 40 calorie lite-dressing. 

From Wikipedia: A potassium intake sufficient to support life can in general be guaranteed by eating a variety of foods. Foods rich in potassium include yam, parsley, dried apricots, dried milk,chocolate, various nuts (especially almonds and pistachios), potatoes, bamboo shoots, bananas, avocados, coconut water, soybeans, and bran, although it is also present in sufficient quantities in most fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.[74]

Optimal intake[edit]

Epidemiological studies and studies in animals subject to hypertension indicate that diets high in potassium can reduce the risk of hypertension and possibly stroke (by a mechanism independent of blood pressure), and a potassium deficiency combined with an inadequate thiamine intake has produced heart disease in rats.[75] There is some debate regarding the optimal amount of dietary potassium. For example, the 2004 guidelines of the Institute of Medicine specify a DRI of 4,700 mg of potassium (100 mEq), though most Americans consume only half that amount per da

Be sure to get Potassium in your diet.

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Originally worked at a Lake front resort as a registration assistant and a cashier. Several other jobs. College (28-54+ hours) majoring in Business, i.e. Economics and Psychology with an eye on Lab Tech. Mathematics award winner. time. Studying journalism. Learning left hand chords. Flute. Diet, training ellipitical, writing; Crochet!