Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Soda Pop

With the ongoing popularity of beverages or the hydration of oneself, I am beginning to think of some drinks in the wrong classification. Bottled water, flavoring packets, almond milk, mineral water, coconut water, energy drinks, Coke Zero, Pepsi Max, milk [it got so bad I thought this was a soda pop], smoothies, greens juice and many more aquatic formulas keep one in a daze.

Age [as in elderly] or the lunacy of marketing.


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About Me

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Originally worked at a Lake front resort as a registration assistant and a cashier. Several other jobs. College (28-54+ hours) majoring in Business, i.e. Economics and Psychology with an eye on Lab Tech. Mathematics award winner. time. Studying journalism. Learning left hand chords. Flute. Diet, training ellipitical, writing; Crochet!