Monday, December 17, 2012

European Emigration Ships 1900

If you're into finding out how your European ancesters got to North America years ago, most of us came from somewhere namely LONDON-- when researching sirnames, almost everyone I know had a sirname that originated in LONDON, which includes about 11 last names, a shock because they have mixed ancestrage even Indian (native American-Indian).
You can research emigration ships or lists for no cost at this website-- although I don't know how long this site will be up.

Names from LONDON (I found these somewhere online a few years ago maybe three years ago). Luebke(R), Cole, Cope, Hancock, Schuster, Miller, Choate, Sibberson, Jones and so on. Whether they were Scotish, Irish, Polish or what have you it seems that most people flocked to London for jobs and enough money to move.

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Originally worked at a Lake front resort as a registration assistant and a cashier. Several other jobs. College (28-54+ hours) majoring in Business, i.e. Economics and Psychology with an eye on Lab Tech. Mathematics award winner. time. Studying journalism. Learning left hand chords. Flute. Diet, training ellipitical, writing; Crochet!